Fall 2021
Lecture: Tues/Thurs, 9:25-10:40am
Location: Geology 6050G (CCCP Conference Room)
Instructor: Dr. Michael Jones
Office: PSY 370
Phone: 856-1490
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: By appointment
Class webpage: http://www.compcog.com/courses.html
Bill Stock
Alumni ppt
Lecture: Tues/Thurs, 9:25-10:40am
Location: Geology 6050G (CCCP Conference Room)
Instructor: Dr. Michael Jones
Office: PSY 370
Phone: 856-1490
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: By appointment
Class webpage: http://www.compcog.com/courses.html
Bill Stock
Alumni ppt
General CogSci Methodology Links
Online Texts
Experimental Tools
- PsiTurk
- jsPsych (and Web Textbook)
- PsychoPy
- Pushkin
- Prolific Academic
- Qualtrics [IU Portal] [Getting an IU account]
- Amazon Tools
- Google Forms
- Visual DMDX
- ExPyriment
- PyEPL (Python Experiment-Programming Library)
- Matlab Psyc Toolbox
Tools for Cognitive Data Mining
Data Sources
- ACL Tools and Corpus Repository
- Acadmic Torrents (all of reddit and more)
- Semantic Priming Project
- English Lexicon Project
- Small World of Words (SWOW)
- ImageNet
- Yelp Dataset Challenge
- Word Bank
- Erin Buchanan's Psycholinguistic Database Listing
- Google Dataset Search Engine (Beta)
- Stanford Large Network Database (SNAP)
- BYU Corpus Searching Tools
- Kaggle Datasets for Machine Learning
Tables and Online Calculators
Statistical Software
- Computer Labs (STCs) at IU Bloomington...all have SPSS
- SPSS Links
- SPSS Inc Homepage
- SPSS Wiki
- SPSS Learning Resources (UCLA)
- R textbook for experimental design
- Mixed Effects Modeling:
- LME in R
- Mimosa: Github page, or Web Interface